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I have worked successfully with individuals presenting with many different areas to work in therapy. I respect that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another, I therefore tailor my therapy to the individual in order to get the best results.

I arrange weekly sessions at a time that suits you.  Each session will last for a therapeutic hour (50 mins).  I recommend that the same time and day is booked each week as it then becomes a regular part of the routine, however I understand that not everyone's lives can work in this way and I am happy to accommodate those.


Again I have experience of working with children and young people of different ages.  I will adapt any therapy to suit the age range that I am working wit and I may introduce more creative  therapeutic methods depending on the age, such as sand play, art work or using toys. A lot of this work can benefit children therapeutically and help them to feel safe enough to open up if they need to.


Addiction is a family disease that stresses the family to the breaking point, impacts the stability of the home, the family's unity, mental health, physical health, finances, and overall family dynamics. Through personal experience and training I recognise how important it is for the family members of addicts to receive support, not just the addict themselves. 


"I'm often silent when I'm screaming inside"

We all have times in our lives when we feel sad, or low, and this may be a totally appropriate response to a sad life event. Depression is when that low mood starts to overtake your life and affects our daily living.

When we have depression we can often feel a burden or shame over the way we are feeling.  Being able to talk honestly without fear of burdening the listen, feeling heard and understood can greatly alleviate the symptoms of depression. Counselling offers the space to work through this.


Anxiety around certain situations in life e.g. going for a job interview is a totally normal response.  Anxiety is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats and in small doses it is helpful. It protects us from danger, and focuses our attention on problems.  Anxiety can become a problem when it is too severe, or is happening too frequently. It then can become debilitating and stop us from living our lives.  Examining and challenging our thoughts can help alleviate anxiety, counselling can provide techniques that will help you do this.


Long to-do lists, difficult responsibilities, major life events can often lead to stress and anxiety. When the stress becomes too much we can develop unhealthy coping strategies that alleviate the feelings of stress temporarily but these will come at a cost. Counselling can help you identify these and develop healthier coping strategies instead.

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